Friday, June 25, 2010


Whether working towards Our highest aspirations, enjoying Our selves or suffering, We certainly always live for moments. They are so difficult to escape that We often forget their intrinsic connections through time. Losing Our self in the moment, We forget that others are doing the same. Sometimes We disturb others' moments with Our own, good or bad, often without even realizing it. Our connection to each other is just as imminent. But We forget this too. We try to distinguish Our selves from others, when really We are One.

This weekend, at Sonic Bloom Festival at the Mishawaka Amphitheatre, Our goal is to forget Our self to collectively lose each other in the moment. And when all is 'said and done,' We will inevitably rediscover Our self and find others again. It is a phenomenon of social and spiritual transformation that I personally wouldn't miss for the World. And so I tried walking here from home in Texas. I walked over 300 miles in 10 days, made lots of new friends along the way, and reconnected with great friends here in Boulder. As We prepare to embark on yet another adventure, I must emphasize the need for collective unity at such a spectacular event. We must trust that despite Our differences, We are in a collective agreement as a community of light and love to be a shining example of what We wish to see in this World. If I've learned anything in this mad adventure, it's that We never can do anything alone.

So, if you care to benefit something larger than Us and the amazing experiences We will no doubt manifest together, I hope you'll find me to contribute to Our collective donation supporting global human rights through Amnesty International. We have already amassed a significant $300, but it's certainly no small task. Contributions will be collected through July 14th to ensure this is as big as possible! I will submit Our donation on July 15th to represent Our loving community in a charitable way to the World. We must only hope that others are listening.

Regardless of what shenanigans or mischief We may partake in, We must ultimately forget Our own satisfaction so that others might also revel in Our glory together with Us. We are not special, but We can make a difference. This We must never surrender.

Thank all of you beautiful people for constantly inspiring and promoting Our living dream. We are phenomenal when We realize it together. Bless Us.

Peace & Love;
We live as We dream--together.

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