Monday, May 24, 2010

Impending Transformation

A very friendly reminder of the infinitely incredible simultaneous versatility and unity of the Cosmos:

"We're not just tourists here on this tiny speck, We belong here. We've always been here and always will be. Our brains are the most complicated things in the known Universe, which We grew from Our own hearts, without even knowing it. And surely We can't do this alone. We're all in It together. We know very well what We are, but We can't admit It. But the You in you is the same as the You in me; Deep down in the very middle of Our heart, We know it. As the apple is the energy of the tree, You, yes You, are the energy of the world. We, the deep down You, are Brahman; the Self of the Universe—the which than which there is no which of; the heart and foundation of All. So what are We doing Brahman? We're playing On and Off with our Self, hide and seek with our Self; just passing Eternal Time with Adventure. We forget who We are, really; We think we're lost in the middle of a big, big outside world that isn't you, that you don't understand and that you can't control. There has to be something else, something other, to bring out the feeling that you are you. And so that you can feel really you, that outside world has to seem really strange, different, weird. You old Trickster. Deep down in, We know the whole bit. Therefore, what You want is a surprise! So We have to let things get out of control. We have to feel lost and lonely to know You as you; We invent lusts and loves, fears and terrors, gnawing anxieties and forceful manipulations. We imagine, It's not really me, It's It that runs the show. But You are It; We are running the show, by not letting Our right hand know what the left is doing; by believing there's a great separation between what you do and what happens to You. We don't just play Our Eternal game with such simple elements as black and white, on and off or life and death. To seem as Real as real can be, Our play must be so complicated that you can't figure It out, especially using figures to figure It. So, between black and white, We create whole ranges of colors; between sound and silence, We create whole scales of tones; and between something and nothing, We create All the textures of feeling. Our world is All of these elements; of light and sound, of taste, smell and touch, incomprehensibly scribed and scribbled together in many dimensions within the wondrous script of Our heart to perpetually and subtly remind You of Our Adventure."
--Adaptation of Alan Watts: OM The Sound of Hinduism (part 1a) by Richard Einstein

What are We doing Brahman? When? For how long? Where? How? Who? Why?
These questions are fundamental to existence. They are the most basic, intuitive and loving questions, derived of the heart, because they attempt to acknowledge the infinitely incredible variety of the Cosmos in Its Oneness. Oneness is Abundance. Rather than scarcity in our separated individualism, there is tremendous abundance in Our Universal Unity. Whereas exclusivity, illusory separately separate separation, exclusively produced of and producing cyclical fear and doubt, leads to delusion, greed and hatred, true mutuality, utter reciprocally reciprocal reciprocality, mutually produced of and producing hope and creativity, leads to progressive clarity of place and purpose, non-attachment and love. Oneness, then, is the mean to every end, ultimate end to every reason, the answer to every question and ultimate question of every reality. It is All and It is nothing, for We can't have one without the other. Everything is sacred, because nothing is sacred. It is neither created or born nor annihilated or killed, neither foul nor immaculate, neither deficient nor excessive. Therefore, Unity is inevitable despite Our manifest separation. Transformation is happening All the time, All around Us, in every phenomenon of the Universe. Regardless of constantly forgetting what Our heart perpetually reminds Us, there is always Hope. True Hope does not come from passively playing small in the world. It doesn't come from loss of ego, nor any doctrine We may teach, for it is derived of feeling not thought. Hope manifests itself as bright beautiful lights through experiencing the adventure of the Cosmos in All variations of Our Glory.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
—A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles by Marianne Williamson

they emit a strong mechanical hum that fills the emptiness provided by time and divided by imagination. they manipulate the world around, illuminating the dark into a breathing electronic cityscape, casting shadows that carve dusty yesterday into a reanimated paradise

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