Sunday, June 20, 2010


The Universe, subtly beautiful, never fails to keep us guessing. The more We think we know about It, the more complicated it becomes. The divisions We create to understand Its endless complexity inherently negate any unification We might seek. In order to learn, We must divide, and in order to excel, We must specialize. It would be an improbable feat to understand It All, but We sure do try, and, like everything else, It is both beautiful and dangerous. If there's anything that is certain, It's that beauty and danger are two sides to any coin. We can twist anything up into all degrees of awesome madness, both glorious and despicable. The choice is All Ours.

These past couple of weeks have been the closest thing to a personal rite of passage that I have ever experienced. It exceeded my wildest expectations, confused me, amazed and awed me, gave me renewed faith and hope in humanity and will make for some amazing stories if I have the courage to tell them. I hope you'll have the same to ask me about them. For now, all I know is that I met some amazing people who I'll likely never meet again. Though I hope from the depths of my heart that these kind souls will cross my path again, I suspect that this isn't likely. For this, I'm deeply remorseful, but I do appreciate with all of my heart the experience of knowing each and every one of Us. We are the reason I ultimately walked, and I certainly learned a lot about myself that I'm still processing as I explore this reality each and every day. I learned that happiness is found in simplicity; there's no golden ticket or secret formula, but deep down in Our heart, We know It. Regardless of the divisions We constantly manifest to progress, Our heart reminds Us that everything is pulse. Like the seasons, moods, karma, and Our own hearts, the Universe operates in cycles. Perceived progress is merely secondary to the fundamental nature of this evolving Cosmos. No matter how large We make the divisions, they are mere illusion relative to these fundamental pulses and cycles, of offs and ons, in infinite degrees, dimensions and delusions. If We are to understand It, We must become It, which is a simple matter of attitude. We are capable of everything because We are everything, if only We can feel It in Our heart.

And so Our small step, my walking at least nearly 100,000 steps for most of 13 days in June from Texas to Colorado, is a collective donation, currently, of over $300 to Amnesty International to support global human rights. I feel this is appropriate if We wish to truly bring All into the fold. In order to achieve Universal United liberation, We must first be Universally United. We must always begin with what We think we know, for It is All that We have. Once We reasonably reach the inevitable end of that rope, We can then attempt to discern the Truth. Without All of the information, though, this is a fruitless, even destructive endeavor. Power concentrates in pockets, and division continues. Therefore, global human rights is a seemingly noble cause. For when We All get the chance to learn, though differing in divisions and specialization, We learn, most of all, Our natural inseparability, to some degree or another. All It takes from there is the eradication of the illusion of separability and negativity. Inseparability implies a realness to reality, while fundamentally, All is illusory. All is simple play, in every direction, every where, when, what, who, how and why. It is inescapably beautiful and dangerous, like God, Brahman, Allah, the Cosmos and You.

If You support global human rights, that We may All, someday, everyday, live in the bliss of Our dreams, desires and desperations, through understanding, compassion and love for each other like We are One, United, Universal self-aware knowing consciousness, together, forever, there's still time to add to Our collective donation. Until July 14th, We will accept contributions to add to the over $300 We have already! It is ALL going to Amnesty International, so tell your friends, spread the dream, and let's make this as big as possible together!

Thank you all for the generous support and encouragement throughout this whole endeavor. My feet are blistered, my body weak, and social skills malpracticed, but connections stronger than ever. My renewed sense of hope and purpose will not waiver in the near future, and I invite any and all reasonable requests from All. Apart from wrapping all this up, living in Boulder, CO for the summer, I am simply awaiting the wonder which the Cosmos will present Us with next. Let's keep it real, and make the present last. We can surely forever progress.

Peace & Love;
We live as We dream --together.

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