Saturday, June 5, 2010

Infinitely Progressing Cycles

"We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where We started. And know the place for the first time." --T.S. Elliot, Little Gidding

As I find myself winding physically in perpetual cycles as usual yet maintaining my dedication's infinite expansion, and sit blogging at the top of a hill overlooking Quiet Valley at the Kerrville Folk Festival, I wonder if we might better describe evolution in terms of infinitely progressive cycles. Change and adaptation are inevitable because it's the very nature of this dance we call the Cosmos. Karmic cycles, yin and yang, good and evil are all constructions of the mind bound to physical laws. This reality is our reason, while ultimate reality is unreasonability, impossibility and unconditionally loving creativity. This is what proceeded God, if it may even properly be described. This is what will remain after It, and everywhere in between. It oozes through the seams of reason, readily available to All if We can rise up to meet it. And there's no realization without each other. And so the cycle continues because God keeps on dancing. And We keep on dreaming. It's as natural as It is versatile, everytime We put Our heart in It.

Peace & Love; We live as We dream--together.

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