Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Desperate Means

Loneliness strikes so deep because it is the most strained filtration of the heart through the mind. It is indicative of Our biggest illusion; that We are somehow separate, distinct, not derived of, perpetuated by and returned to the same source. It roots the mind within the heart, constraining their respective and relative independence. It causes Us to confuse the two, and in Our confusion, We isolate them. But they need each other, just as We all do. Though the delusion of loneliness has a time and place in self-improvement, it more often facilitates reactionary impulses rather than consistently loving grace; We resort to desperate means to achieve desperate ends. We stew in vanity and ego, losing sight of what's really important: Us. We forget Our own importance regardless of conditional expectations, and unconditionally loving the Universe becomes impossible, because it seems too difficult to love ourselves. Our imperfections are inescapable, but Our ability for transformation is imminent.   Every thing is constantly changing everywhere instantly. There's no need to force it, and indeed, trying to forcibly control reality inherently renders the effect of the action impermanent. Only when We can learn to harness reality through understanding and unconditional love may We all truly know permanent liberation, only and always together.

This is for Us.
Peace & Love, We live as we dream --together.

Baby Einstein signing off. Thanks for reading!

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