Monday, April 19, 2010

On Conceptualized Reconnaissance

These are the secret sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas recorded.

1. And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."

2. Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest.]"
-- The "Lost" Gospel of Thomas, The Gnostic Society Library

You will not learn ultimate reality here.  As much as we may read or write about the Universe, as long as we confuse knowledge and knowing, we are lost.  No matter how much knowledge we can collect, how many observations or measurements, the illusion, the big act of separation created by our differing sensory perspectives and experiences, leads us to arrange and rearrange the data endlessly to appease certain localities of power.  Knowing, alternatively, works far more subtly and creatively.  Inspired by the heart, we all know the most basic universal feelings; love, empathy, creativity, whatever one may call it.  These are intrinsically bound to the experience of consciousness, even in its own vacuity.  They are so crucial to the experience of consciousness and the unquenchable thirst for knowledge; in this dimension does creativity carry forth.  As night and day, the seasons of the year, the lunar cycle, solar cycle each have their own rhythms, consciousness follows observable patterns as well, both following such predictable patterns and defying them.  These patterns we may really understand as karma, or the dimension of action, of intentional, conscious, knowing action, bound by dharma, often understood as duty.  This isn't to say some pre-determined purpose which you are bound to, because the karmic cycle operates both within and without us.  Just as the apples which grew provide the seed, or essence, of the tree, so do you provide the essence of the Universe, your Universe.  Our brain, which our hearts grow with(out) even knowing it, is a clear reflection of what we too often consider the other, or everything outside of our selves, the Universe.  We purposely forget it is our Universe, constructed by our brains to provide endless wonder, joy and play.  We get caught in the delusion that others are responsible for our (mis)fortunes while, truly, there is no other.  As lonely as infinite singularity is, we constantly recreate our initial Question, a steady Om that still resonates through the Universe.  From there, consciousness expands ever outward like a wildfire producing myriad variety and endless wonder.  So You, not they, are the dreamer of reality, and your heart knows it.  When you becomes We, then, We know it; our heart knows it.  When our heart knows it, our mind fades and knowledge is no longer shrouded in mystery.  Just as it starts with the creation of a question, it soon provides an answer, related to the cycles of karma. Our expectations, as action, perpetually produce results, manifesting synchronicities and imagination, further perpetuating creativity.  Like the Universe, our consciousness expands infinitely, beyond measure, and so we're always chasing it.  We purposefully can't keep up, because it's better than nothing.    Of course, still, though We can describe it, understand it, transmit it through words, how do we know it? For the act of inertia, of knowing absolutely, becomes uncreative, finite or destructive.  Though neither can exist without the other, quenching the thirst of knowing, if ever even possible, seems the downturn in the cycle.  When we become satiated, the effort and action cease to matter, and insignificance spawns irrelevance and apathy, the opposites of duty, love and empathy which are derived of creatively seeking knowledge, constantly, perpetually into infinity.  So a goal can be established that We, knowing as One, born of the heart's creativity will forever seek to know to perpetuate the creative process --not our selves, but the Self of the Universe within all of us.  Power is found nowhere but everywhere.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. 
-- Mahatma Ghandi

Baby Einstein signing off. Thanks for reading!

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