Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Heart, The Lonely Pilgrim

"...If the glory can be killed we are lost..."
- East of Eden by John Steinbeck

There's no end to ways of understanding. The beauty and danger of the Universe is captured and transmitted through language, infinitely, endlessly, boundlessly, through positives and negatives, yins and yangs, femininities and masculinities, dualities constructed of the mind. But language is only the physical manifestation of the Universe filtered through the mind. It is not the Universe itself. Only our hearts truly know the Universe, and our minds merely filter what reality necessitates, what we call possibilities. The impossibilities, those Universal truths which we inevitably, by definition, fail to comprehend, are incomprehensible because they are derived of the heart. The heart operates on a different dimension from the language of the mind which is constructed to divide. The heart, instead, unites all dualities, a seeming impossibility in and of itself, to prove the impossible possible. It is in this action that the heart truly accesses ultimate reality. This ultimate reality, then, dictates, through the filters of our minds, this constructed reality in all of its (im)perfections, all of its many splendors and wonders, worries and anxieties. It produces society, which produces us, which produces them, which produces the dualities of reality themselves. It's no wonder it seems hidden, passive, an impossibility...

But life's journey, due to the yearnings of the passive heart, is one of adventure, of facing all odds, of proving the impossible possible. And so it has been realized upon me that We need constant reminders of the adventure of life, which commits me to a pilgrimage. This pilgrimage, mirroring the Universe's dualism, operates on two dimensions: the first, is the ultimate and abstract journey into your heart, the second, the arduous physical 1,000 mile pilgrimage from my hometown, San Antonio, TX, to the place where I became me, and me eventually We, Colorado. The significance and synchronicities of such a seeming impossibility are beyond reason. All I know, deep in my heart, is that I will need your support and encouragement. I am doing this to keep the dream alive that we can one day have a world which we do not wish to retreat from; a world we can all share in common peace, each fulfilling our destinies and blissful in each other's desires because Our desires are One desire, that desire derived from the heart, that unceasing search, unquenchable thirst, insatiable lust for true knowledge. When we each know it in our hearts, when we can realize it together, We can change the world.

And this is, naturally, no small task. I'll need all the encouragement and support I can get, whatever I can get, from anyone, because We're all in this together. I hope I can be an inspiration, in any way, to keep hope alive against the more salient dangers of fear. So, whether you can spread the dream, pray and hope for a successful pilgrimage, adventure and journey, or contribute to the cause, I hope We can all take part somehow. Because when one of us suffers, all of us suffer, just the same as our triumphs! We're in this boat together, and it's truly the dream that counts; the action is only the dream actualized.

Any contribution helps, from pocket change, to a tent or raincoat, to spreading the dream, but the more We can rally together, the more We can contribute to something truly larger than ourselves! I will donate all remaining funds raised upon the completion of my march to Colorado to Amnesty International, or the charity of Our choosing should We collectively pick a better one. So, please, whatever your effort, let's inspire heartfullness in our fellow humans to hopefully inspire more creativity to figure out how to construct a better World to share!

If you can't contribute for any reason but support the cause, please share with your friends via this blog or Facebook.  Contributions may be sent online via my bandcamp, where you can also receive some tunes I've made!

Peace & Love, please dream with Us

Baby Einstein signing off. Thanks for reading!

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