"He who has filled the universe, He who is Self in self, how shall I salute Him!" To know the Atman as my nature is both knowledge and realisation. "I am He, there is not the least doubt of it." "No thought, no word, no deed, creates a bondage for me. I am beyond the senses, I am knowledge and bliss." There is neither existence nor non-existence, all is Atman. Shake off all ideas of relativity; shake off all superstitions; let caste and birth and Devas and all else vanish. Why talk of being and becoming? Give up talking of dualism and Advaitism! When were you two, that you talk of two or one? The universe is this Holy One and He alone. Talk not of Yoga to make you pure; you are pure by your very nature. None can teach you..."
--Swami Vivekananda
We're not here to preach. We're here to learn; to humble the rumble of Our unspoken ego to ALL let go. Don't fear rejection or failure because if you feel it deeply enough in your heart to take action, there's a good chance We all do too, even if very deep inside where we hide our insecurities. Be weary, however, of confusing your mind with your heart; though they operate together, belief and feeling are not the same. Belief is culturally bound and produced of observation, formulated and transmitted through language and ultimately prone to produce flawed action. Feeling, deriving from the heart, however, is boundless, indescribable and genuine. It is, therefore, creatively capable of inducing the right attitude and subsequent action. That we use related words like intuition and emotion to understand the yearnings of Our hearts, itself, proves the feeling of love's infinitudes. Like God, we can sense feelings but never quite explain them. This difficulty and creativity lends itself to our popular dismissal of feelings as fickle, irrational and avoidable. They are often burdensome, indeed. But, like God, feelings are everywhere. Constantly exerting effort trying to avoid Them, as hierarchy, structure and society demand, we are attached to desire and this reality precisely because we think belief to be superior. But belief is the fickle one! We once believed the world to be flat. If you walk into a dark room and think you see a snake, the feeling of fear will arise. This is a predictable causal reaction. If you then find out that the 'snake' is, in fact, a rope, you'll likely feel embarrassed, precisely because your mind failed you. Of course, people have different reactions to the same event, but only in the way they describe them. If it derives from the depth of Our heart, it is True. Our mind's filter the divine through language to produce our realities. The experiential, mundane and everyday belief that we are separate, then, produces varying results. Pure, unadulterated feelings, if such an ideal exists, are One amorphous, creative, splendid, loving and constant. Describing it is, indeed, silly due to the endeavors' futility. But, oh, how We must try! If We are to share this Universe we have to understand It. It's no small task, but it seems like we're getting the hang of it. Right Action is the end, not the means; an ideal, not a commandment; the ultimate process, not an attainable state of Being --only produced through love. You'll love it when you feel It. It is All-consuming, immutable, transcendent and most capable of changing the Universe.
"The greatest wisdom is in simplicity. Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It's not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It's encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the beginning. Find you heart, and you will find your way." 13moon.com
Baby Einstein signing off. Thanks for reading!
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